Contact Us
You may want to contact us for a number of reasons. You can pitch a story, inquire about sponsorship opportunities, or write a Letter to the Editor. If you're writing a Letter to the Editor that you would like to see published, please be sure to read the guidelines below.
Letters to the Editor
You must sign your letter with your first and last name and include your Stafford street address. We will not publish your address (we will publish your name), but you must include it to verify that you are a town resident.
Content must be limited to local issues.
We will not edit your letter. So make sure you've checked your spelling and grammar.
Letters containing formulaic language that are clearly not the original thoughts and words of the writer will not be published.
We will not publish hate speech, threats, or any letters trafficking in conspiracy or falsehoods. Keep your comments limited to the facts.
We also reserve the right not to publish any letter we feel would be irresponsible to post. Keep it civil.