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ARPA Updates: Roads, Freezers, and More

With the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds saved from becoming a part of the general fund, the commission is back to deciding how to spend what's left.

At the November 2, 2023, meeting, Katherine Schooley from the Stafford Conservation Commission (SCC) asked the ARPA commission to fund the purchase of a storage shed at Dennis Pond. The SCC needs a place to store tools, lumber for footbridges, a kayak, and other equipment. The SCC requested a 10'x12' shed, which it said would cost $4,233.10 plus $600.00 for the platform pad. However, they noted this size was actually a bit small and that 12'x16' shed would be a better fit. A shed of that size would cost about $7,200, plus the $600.00 for the platform pad.

All ARPA-funded projects must be attached to uses specifically outlined by the federal government. In this case, eligibility is based on expanding the outdoor recreation opportunities for the community. The commission approved up to $8,000 to purchase a shed and platform pad.

With more than $800,000 left in the ARPA bank account, there's still plenty of money to fund projects around town. As of November, there are a few options on the table.

A freezer for Safenet

SafeNet Ministries provides roughly 300 meals a month to local families in need, but has recently had to turn away food donations because of a lack of storage options. A commercial freezer could cost $10,000-$13,000. No action was taken, but the project was added to the proposed project list.

Road improvements

Nothing gets people riled up more than a discussion about the condition of their local roads. For that reason, paving projects and road improvements come up frequently at ARPA meetings. However, the needs in town far exceed what's left of the ARPA funds. The commission discussed allocating up to about $500,000 to road improvement and milling/paving. The commission also discussed software that can help prioritize paving projects to help get the most bang for the town's paving bucks. According to the commission, paving is a major priority for many town residents, and it can mitigate safety concerns during ambulance transport. However, an allocation of this size would nearly wipe out the remaining ARPA funds. The commission voted 5-0, with Dave Bachiochi abstaining, to support paving improvement projects and update the Paving Condition software tool. Devin Cowperthwaite, Director of Public Works (DPW), will provide a progress report at the next meeting to clarify the scope of the work DPW could complete with an allocation of this size.

Recreation Director

Another recurring topic at the ARPA meetings is the idea of using the funds to hire a Recreation Director. Bachiochi expressed his interest in pursuing this and that he plans to bring up the topic at the November 21 meeting of the Board of Selectmen. At the October 5, 2023, meeting, Bachiochi also discussed possibly developing a recreation strategy. He said a third-party consultant could be engaged to develop a strategy that might include a future state for fields, lighting, skateboard park, ice skating, portable skating for Hyde Park, disc golf, PickleBall, or other items that may jumpstart a Recreation Department.

Dog park and Hyde Park improvements

ARPA Commission Chair Rick Hartenstein advocated for a dog park at the Hyde Park tennis courts at the October meeting. Bachiochi suggested enhancing the maintenance road access along the fence, adding a remote-controlled gate at the east and west end for police security access and emergency vehicles, and introducing security surveillance cameras to enhance safety enforcement and safety perception.

Woodland Springs

The ARPA committee already funded some work at Woodland Springs, an affordable housing project for the elderly and disabled, but back in September, the folks from Woodland Springs were back, asking for funding for the next phase of the project to help create outdoor areas for residents to use and enjoy. The proposal asked for over $50,000 to build pavilions, pave for patios, and buy patio furniture, grill equipment, and more. Hartenstein suggested that if the commission were to provide any funding, it would have to focus on the permanent infrastructure and not furniture or grills. The request has been tabled pending a new proposal.

How would you like to see the remaining ARPA funds spent?

  • Road improvements

  • Hyde Park improvements, including a dog park

  • Developing a recreation program

  • A freezer for SafeNet



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