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Lots & More On Its Way to Stafford

Updated: Apr 12, 2024

The property at 75 Chestnut Hill Road has seen better days, but you may have noticed some activity up there recently. That’s because the property is owned by Lots & More LLC, and the company has plans to make it into a retail location as well as the growing hub for its other stores. 

75 Chestnut Hill Rd, the potential location of a new Lots & More
75 Chestnut Hill Rd, the potential location of a new Lots & More. Source: Google Maps

Jeff Ruest, representing Lots & More*, visited the April 4, 2024, Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) meeting for an informal discussion. For the most part, Valvo’s plans for the property align with what it’s been used for in the past: selling plants and gardening materials such as mulch. All they need to get up and running is a zoning permit from the Zoning Enforcement Officer and the blessing of the health district to operate with just a portable toilet for customers to use. The Lots & More crew also has to finish up their renovations to rundown greenhouses and bring in merchandise before they can open.   

However, Ruest also wants to rent small equipment like skid steers and aerators out of the location, which has not been done from this “existing non-conforming” property before. Residential properties surround the property, but it has a history of operating as a farm and retail location. Historically, that has not included equipment rentals, which means Lots & More will likely have to file for a Special Use Permit, which gives abutting property owners notice of a public hearing and a chance to express concerns. 

“As a commission, we have made every attempt to make local business as lucrative as possible,” said Dr. David Mordasky, a member of the PZC. 

Additionally, there is a historic home on the property. Leonard “Butch” Clark, who was sitting in as a PZC alternate, and is Chairman of the Stafford Historic Advisory Committee, said that the house was moved to the property in 1850 but that they suspect it could date back to 1750. 

Ruest said he would like to refinish it, but it's unclear what purpose the renovated building would serve on the property. There is also talk of subdividing it. In any case, it looks looking Stafford will have a new spot to buy annuals and other garden staples this Spring and Summer.

[*This article originally misidentified Ruest as Bill Valvo, the owner of Lots & More.]


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