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Stafford Schools Get $70k in Funding for Tutoring

In an announcement made last week, Governor Lamont and the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) revealed $11.5 million will be allocated for high-dosage tutoring across 46 districts in the state. Stafford Schools will receive $70,000 worth of funding to service 35 students.

Governor Lamont and Education Commissioner Charlene Russell-Tucker announced the launch of the Connecticut high-dosage tutoring (CHDT) program in March 2023 to target students in grades 6 to 9 to enhance mathematics proficiency. CSDE initially allocated $10 million from American Rescue Plan Elementary Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funding for this program.

So what is CHDT? Here's what the CSDE has to say:

Given the extensive impact of the pandemic on student performance in middle-school and secondary math, states and districts across the country are seeking to identify and implement viable methods to accelerate learning. High-Dosage Tutoring (HDT) is a well-researched strategy to address learning loss, ensuring students have intensive, curriculum-aligned support to close academic gaps.

There was so much interest from school districts during the application process that CSDE increased its commitment from the original $10 million allocation to $11.5 million. The program is designed to provide grant funding for the 2023-2024 school year, lists of qualified tutors vetted by the CSDE, and "ongoing technical assistance, coaching, and participation in a Community of Practice provided by an external organization."

Additionally, CSDE announced a partnership with TNTP (formerly The New Teacher Project), a national education nonprofit organization. TNTP will support CSDE by providing guidance for all participating school districts, technical assistance, coaching, and a suite of resources to aid schools as they establish new tutoring programs with the money provided by this grant.

The state also says the efficacy of the program will be evaluated by researchers through CSDE’s research collaborative called the Center for Connecticut Education Research Collaboration. Scheduled to begin by January 2024, the CHDT program will allocate funding to schools for 2023-24 and the first half of the 2024-25 school year.


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